Combi Ergopack®
Hand Packing Station
(bottom picture)
- Integrated case erector, pack
station and case sealer
- Ergonomic - Operator never
touches the case
- ROI in 6 months, typically
- Available in SSTL, washdown
- Endless product infeed options
- Right or left hand
- Customized to your product and
speed requirements
- One to 5 person pack stations
- Variable speed product infeed
- On demand case presentation
Combi Compact
Pick & Place
Case Packers
(top picture)
- Optional integrated case erector
- HD linear servo motors
- Quick release change parts
- Packs single or multiple layers
- Right or left hand
- Affordably customized
- Mechanical or vacuum product -
pickup for gentle handling
- Up to 25 picks minute
- Variable speed product infeed
- Allen Bradley electrical and
motion controls